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OCD Therapy

I have treated over one hundred people suffering from OCD and related disorders for 30+ years. I keep up with all evidence-based ways of helping you overcome your OCD problems.  As a member of the International OCD Foundation, I have access to seminars and yearly conferences about treating OCD.  I always work at your pace after we set up a list of  OCD problems and choose which ones to start on. I think it's very important to work together and at your pace for the best results. I am based in San Diego but offer video therapy for all of California.  I have found this to be very effective and convenient. You can call or text me for a free consultation to ensure I'm the right therapist to help.

Around 2% of the population suffers from OCD.  Obsessions and compulsions can take over your life and cause great distress.  There are many different types of OCD issues.  You may have obsessions and experience intrusive, unwanted thoughts and images or urges.    Common obsessions may center around contamination, cleanliness, perfectionism, or fear of harming someone. . Common compulsions include washing and checking.  Many people have both compulsions and obsessions.

You may know that your OCD isn't rational but not be able to stop.  The good news is that by working with a specialist in treating OCD,  you can gain control and enjoy your life more fully!!